the Host

Frank Edward Nora 

Our first PriorCaster is Frank Edward Nora.  I have been in contact with Frank for over 20 years.  He has been creating audio since a child and took to the new world of digital audio as soon as he could back in 1997 with his first foray, Blufftoons.

Check out all his creations bridging the 20th and 21st centuries at his website  Be swept into a world that expands from childhood dabbling into mind expanding monologues delivered on the bustling streets of New York City.  With over 1800 shows and counting, it is a cornucopia of audio from a one of a kind perspective.


The Overnightscape

Frank Edward Nora

Host – The OvernightScape


  • Started audio capturing in the 1980’s
  • First Internet Audio – Bluffcosm 1997
  • Currently heard on The